Behind every complaint lies a commitment.

- Lisa Lahey, Ed.D. & Robert Kegan, Ph.D.

Do you ever feel like you are spinning in circles even when you are putting your best foot forward to meet your goals? If you are struggling to finish your project, make that big transition or begin the creative work you keep postponing, the Immunity to Change™ (ITC) process could be perfect for you.

Honoring the complexity of the inner, outer, individual and collective human experience, the ITC process is designed to help you overcome resistance to change. What makes this process so successful is its proven ability to surface the untested assumptions—often driven by shadow—that have robbed us of our authentic power for far too long.

In our work together, we will explore and confront those stubborn psychological mechanisms. You will gain new insights and tools, while establishing new habits that will help you create long lasting change. After all, it is highly unlikely that you want your dreams to remain elusive. Most likely, you are ready to realize them.

The Immunity to Change™ process is the brainchild of developmental psychologists and researchers, Robert Kegan, Ph.D. & Lisa Lahey, Ed.D. of Harvard University and Minds At Work, Cambridge, MA. Click here to read more about this powerful body of work that has served thousands of individuals and organizations across the globe. Kegan and Lahey, along with other colleagues are also the creators of the work behind the concept of DDO’s, the “Deliberately Developmental Organizations.

Nomali Perera received her facilitator training at Harvard University through Minds At Work and has been offering ITC sessions since 2014. Nomali is able to conduct the ITC process in a single 90 - 120 minute session, as well as multiple shorter sessions where she will guide you with follow-up coaching sessions for individuals, couples. and groups. Nomali has also participated in the very first conference on DDO’s, Deliberately Developmental Organizations that Kegan, Lahey and others led at Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.

Learn more about the creators of Immunity to Change™, Lisa Lahey, Ed.D. & Robert Kegan, Ph.D.

Learn more about trainings and events at

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