And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.
- Anaïs Nin
Join Nomali Perera for an individual private session or a group session to create your Immunity to Change™ (ITC) map.
Three new group coaching sessions on:
Saturday, June 12
Saturday, July 17
Saturday, August 14
Are you experiencing a deep thirst to begin the work you dream about but you keep postponing and procrastinating?
Is your goal craftily escaping you?
Are you quietly sabotaging yourself?
If these questions ring a bell, the Immunity to Change™ (ITC) process could be perfect for you!
Working on your ITC map will help you to break loose from what's holding you back and move toward accomplishing your goals. We will work together to explore the stubborn inner dynamics that stall your progress, then develop practices to help you stay on track.
Scroll down to see if Immunity to Change™ coaching sessions are for you . . .
Who can benefit from Immunity to Change™ coaching?
Who should join?
The Immunity to Change™ process is most effective for those who firmly believe they have an unmet desire or goal that is yet to be accomplished.
Therefore, please reflect on the “one big thing” that you really want to change or improve in your life. We call this your “change or improvement goal.” For some of you, it may not be that you want to change, but that you need to change.
How to clarify your change goal
Some of us struggle to identify the change goal, while others know immediately what they want to bring to the coaching session. I encourage you to simply take an honest look into your life, and ask:
What is it that I really want to get better at?
What do I keep doing that no longer serves me (or anyone else)?
Continue to further confirm your change goal:
My desired change goal is true and deeply meaningful to my life or career. It matters to me that I seek to create this change in my life.
I feel some urgency. It is significantly important that I begin this journey of change sooner than later.
My change goal requires adaptive change and not technical change. In other words, it isn't something like "I want to hire more people by the end of the year" or "I want to travel to 40 countries in the next 5 years."). Instead, my goal requires adaptive change...the kind of change that invites a new mindset, curiosity about what is yet to emerge, and upgrading our maps to arrive at a new, more refined and beautiful terrain.